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Vacuum Part Detection (Video Guide)

While the bottom camera can detect if a part was successfully picked, you can use the LumenPnP's vacuum sensors to check for a successful pick a bit quicker. When a part is successfully picked it creates a seal at the end of the nozzle. This seal increases the vacuum pressure in the pneumatic line which is measured by the vacuum sensors. OpenPnP can use this increase in pressure to detect if a part was successfully picked.

Disabling Vacuum Detection

If you'd like to disable this feature, it's just a matter of setting "Measurement Method" to "None" on the relevant nozzle tip.

LumenPnP v3 and v4

  1. Ensure there's still an N045 nozzle tip on the N1 nozzle.
  2. Navigate to Machine Setup > Nozzle Tips > ReferenceNozzleTip N045 > Part Detection. Enabling part detection

  3. Open the H1:VAC1 actuator window. Click On to turn on your pump and valve, and then click Read. You should see a value appear in the Read Value text box. Take note of this number.

    vac1 actuator actuator control

  4. Now, cover the nozzle with your finger tip. Hit Read again. Take note of the new number.

  5. Split the difference between these numbers. For example, if your readings were 250 and 246, choose 248.

  6. Enter this value into the High Value field in the Vacuum Range setting.

    entering vac threshold value for n045

  7. Hit "Apply" to save your changes.

  8. Perform this step again, but using N2 and the N24 nozzle tip.

LumenPnP v2

v2 Interposers

If you have a v2 machine, please check if you have interposer boards installed.

  1. Select your GcodeDriver, then under the Gcode tab, select the H1 VAC1 actuator, and select the ACTUATOR_READ_COMMAND setting.

  2. Make sure the following Gcode is present in the field:

    M3426 G2 C1 I1 A110

    Sensor Address

    In the above code snippet, the line M3426 G4 C1 I1 A110 uses A110 to specify which sensor to read from. Due to the way the sensors are programmed by their manufacturer, the address of the sensor can vary. If A110 doesn't work for you, try testing each binary value from 0 to 7 (eg 000, 001, 010 etc) to see which address is correct for your sensors.

  3. With the same H1 VAC1 actuator selected, now choose the ACTUATOR_READ_REGEX setting, and make sure the following is present in the field below:

  4. Select your GcodeDriver, then under the Gcode tab, select the H1 VAC2 actuator, and select the ACTUATOR_READ_COMMAND setting. Make sure the following Gcode is present in the field:

    M3426 G2 C2 I1 A110
  5. With the same H1 VAC2 actuator selected, now choose the ACTUATOR_READ_REGEX setting, and make sure the following is present in the field below:


Next Steps

Next is the FTP.