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  1. Open the LumenPnP box and look for the Getting Started card attached to the top sheet of foam. This has your machine's version number.

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    Make sure your version number begins with v4.

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  2. Remove the top protective layer of foam and reveal the first tray of components.

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  3. This tray contains:

    • Staging plate
    • Build plate
    • Feet for the build and staging plates
    • Cable chain assembly
    • Y Limit Switch Striker
    • IEC power cable and power supply
    • Front rail w/25 feeder slots installed
    • Back rail w/25 feeder slots installed
    • 10x Extrusion cable clips
    • Alignment bracket
    • Control Box

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  4. Grab the foam as shown below, rotate the tray up, then pull it out and set it aside, revealing the second tray of parts.

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  5. The second tray contains the following parts:

    • Left and right Y gantry assemblies
    • X gantry assembly
    • Getting started kit
    • Tool bag
    • Leg extensions
    • Feeder Blade Cable Harnesses
    • Nozzle Rack

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  6. Inside the tool bag you'll find the following items:

    • Hobby knife
    • Flush snips
    • 135 degree tweezers
    • Allen wrench set w/separate 1.3mm driver for adjusting feeder drive wheels
    • ESD wrist strap
    • USB-A to USB-B cable
    • Hardware Kit
    • Zip ties
    • Feeder programmer

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Next Steps

Next, you'll assemble the frame.