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Setting up the Board (Video Guide)

The first step in running the test job is physically mounting the FTP PCB onto the LumenPnP's staging plates.

Mounting the FTP PCB

  1. Loosely screw in the universal mounting components in the following locations:

    • Static Board Mount positioned diagonally, screwed into B26
    • Dynamic Board Mount positioned vertically, screwed into D26
    • Dynamic Board Mount positioned horizontally, screwed into B28
    • Board Support placed in E29

    Install the board mounting hardware

  2. Apply four strips of double-sided tape to the top of the FTP board, between the two white lines. Do not cover the fiducial markers. The double-sided tape holds components in place when populated, and provides a cleaner method of testing calibration than using solder paste.

    Apply double-sided tape to the board

  3. Place the FTP board in the holders and push them so that they're snug against the sides of the board. The top edge of the board should line up with the ridge in the dynamic board mount's tab.

    Insert the FTP board

  4. Tighten down the mounting hardware. You shouldn't be able to easily move the board except when pressing on the dynamic board mount tab.

Importing the Position File

  1. Download the FTP board position file. It's titled ftp-top.pos, and can be found in the latest major release.

  2. Navigate to the Boards tab in the top right, click the plus icon, and select "Create New Board".

    Job Tab

  3. Save the board as "ftp.board.xml" on your computer

    save board

  4. From the "Boards" tab, select the newly created board and click File > Import Placements > KiCAD .pos

    Start importing the board

  5. In the Import popup:

    1. Select the ftp-top.pos file you downloaded earlier as the Top File
    2. Enable the Assign Parts checkbox.
    3. Enable the Create Missing Parts checkbox.
    4. Click Import

    Fill out the board import dialog

  6. In the Parts tab on the top right, find the lines for the newly created components: LED_0603_1608Metric-LED_Small and R_0603_1608_Metric-R_Small. Set their Height values to 0.5mm by double-clicking the cell.

    Set the part height

  7. Go to File > Save Job As and save your FTP job.

    Save Job As

Installing the N045 Nozzle

  1. Grease the nozzle holder before installing the N045 nozzle.

    Grease the nozzle holder before installing the N045 nozzle

  2. Install your N045 nozzle onto the nozzle holder.

    Install the N045 nozzle

  3. Wipe off any excess grease.

    Wipe excess grease from the nozzle holder

  4. Go to the Machine Setup tab in OpenPnP.

    Switch to the Machine Setup Tab

  5. Navigate to Heads > ReferenceHead H1 > Nozzles > ReferenceNozzle N1.

    Select Nozzle N1

  6. In the lower-right pane, switch to the Nozzle Tips tab.

    Switch to the nozzle tips tab

  7. For row N045, check both the Compatible and Loaded checkboxes. If you haven't set up automatic nozzle changing, you will receive a popup saying that you're required to manually load the nozzle on the toolhead.

    Load Nozzle N045

  8. Go to the Packages tab in the top-right pane.

    Switch to the Packages Tab

  9. Select LED_0603_1608Metric from the list.

    Select the LED package

  10. In the lower-right pane, you'll be in the Nozzle Tips tab. Click the Compatible on the N045 row.

    Mark compatible with N045 nozzle

  11. Similarly, select R_0603_1608Metric from the Package list.

    Select the resistor package

  12. And click the Compatible checkbox on the N045 row.

    Mark compatible with N045 nozzle

Finding the FTP Location

Next, you'll set the physical location of the FTP board in OpenPnP.

  1. Navigate to the Job tab in the top-right pane.

    Switch to the Job Tab

  2. In the bottom-right pane, you'll see the Placements panel. Find the three elements with the IDs: FID1, FID2, and FID3. You can sort the list by Part to find them easily.

    Find each of the board fiducial markers

  3. For each of the three elements, go to the Type column, select where it says Placement and switch it to Fiducial. This tells OpenPnP that these three elements on the board are not components to be picked and placed, but fiducials to be scanned.

    Switch each fiducial component to fiducial type

  4. Jog the top camera so that it's centered on the bottom left corner of the FTP PCB. Select the board in the "Job" tab, then click on the "capture camera position" button to save the current camera position as the board's origin point.

    Set the XY coordinates of your board

  5. Jog the N1 Nozzle so that it's just barely touching the top surface of the FTP PCB. Enter the current Z position (visible in the green bar in the bottom right of the UI) into the board's Z position field.

    Set the Z coordinates of your board

  6. Click on the "Fiducial Scan" button. The machine will move to the fiducial locations and use the camera to identify the center of the fiducial.

    Automatically set board location

  7. If the fiducial check fails for any reason, check out our instructions for adjusting the PCB fiducial vision pipeline.

  8. To confirm that the fiducial calibration was successful, select any placement in the "Placements" table and select the "jog camera to position" button. If the center of the camera is perfectly centered on the footprint, your fiducial calibration was successful.

    position cam to fid

Disable the LEDs

Disabling parts on a board is a helpful feature in OpenPnP for DNP parts, alternate parts, or other irregularities. We'll disable the LEDs in this job as an example.

  1. Click on the first placement in the "Job" tab with the LED part assigned to it.

    first led

  2. Hold SHIFT and click on last placement with the LED part assigned to it.

    last led

  3. Right click on the parts, and click on Set Enabled > Disabled. These parts will no longer be populated in the job.


Next Step

Next, you'll set up a feeder.