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OpenPnP Setup

Now you'll scan for and configure your LumenPnP Feeders in OpenPnP.

v2 LumenPnP Users

If you have a v2 LumenPnP, the default Z height of your nozzle could cause a collision with feeders. We recommend printing and installing updated Z-gantries (shown below) and nozzle rack, which moves your nozzles up 13mm preventing a collision. You can download them here.

nozzles shifted up 13mm

Scanning for Feeders

  1. Click on the Feeders tab.

    Machine Setup Tab

  2. Click the plus to add a new feeder.

    Add a feeder

  3. Select PhotonFeeder.

    adding new photon feeder

  4. Mount all of your new feeders to your machine. They can be in any slot.

    mounting feeder

  5. Click the Search button. OpenPnP will now scan for any feeders attached. This will take a minute, and you'll see the progress showing which slots have feeders in them.

    search button for photon feeders

    searching for photon feeders

  6. Once the search has completed, each physically inserted feeder will be listed. The name will be the feeder's unique ID number, followed by the slot it's in. In this example, there are two feeders inserted.

    If None Appear

    If you don't see any feeders appear, try adding a ReferenceTrayFeeder, then selecting the PhotonFeeder again. Due to a bug in OpenPnP, switching views to a different feeder might be required to refresh the UI.

    If you still do not see any feeders appear, double check that the cable running from your feeder rail to the motherboard is fully seated.

    auto populated feeders

Before Saving

Because of a bug in OpenPnP, a part must be assigned to every feeder before saving your machine configuration. If you want to save your config before finishing setup, we recommend assigning the FIDUCIAL-HOME part to any feeders that do not yet have a part assigned.


Now that your feeders have been discovered in OpenPnP, you'll need to configure them.

  1. Home your LumenPnP.

    Home the machine

  2. Use the machine controls to position your camera over the feeder. This will be more precise later after you load components into the feeder, so a rough estimate is fine for now.

    Move the machine

  3. Save the rough feeder position with the "Capture Camera Location" button. For now, save it for both the Slot Location and Part Offset.

    Capture Camera Location

  4. Click Apply to save your changes.

    Apply Feeder Changes

  5. Select a part from the drop down menu.

    Assign a part to your feeder

  6. Press the feed button and listen for the feeder's motors moving.

    Test Feed

Moving Feeders

If you remove a feeder from your machine and reinsert it into another feeder slot, you'll need to tell OpenPnP to update its location. To do this, click the Find button in that feeder's menu. You'll see the slot number update to reflect the feeder's new slot, and its location will update accordingly! Find new feeder location

Next Steps

Before you can try picking parts from the feeder, you need to load some component tape.